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Charity Fundraiser 2023- Call to Action

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

The 21st of May 2023.

It was a hot day.

It was probably one of the hottest days of the month when, on behalf of Woman Arise, Mary Moyo Kachitsa and Patricia Kulipa Chimangeni joined the 25,000 people who took part in the Great Manchester 10k Run. In addition to getting fit, which is part of the Woman Arise’s Afrofit program, the two ladies joined the run to raise funds for the following two projects.

Area 25 Clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi

The clinic has acquired a new labour ward. This ward has 8 delivery rooms, 1 emergency room, a nurses’ station, a resuscitation station and some stores. The clinic experiences several challenges. Among those, is the lack of medical equipment.

In 2022, Woman Arise run a couple of initiatives to raise funds for two clinics. Patricia Kulipa Chimangeni run a 10k at the Greater Manchester Run, while Dr Mary Mkandawire initiated a plank challenge. The two initiatives attracted donations to the tune of £1,400. Woman Arise used the funds to procure sterilising drums and other medical equipment for the Area 25 Clinic.

Some of the funds were also used to procure medical equipment for the maternity wing of St Andrews Hospital in Kasungu, Mtunthama.

This year, Woman Arise has earmarked the funds to procure maternity beds for Area 25 Clinic. Overall, Malawi’s maternal health faces similar challenges. The country has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios globally, currently estimated at 439 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births (USAID, 2021). The donations from the fundraising will contribute to the procurement of maternity beds for area 25 Maternity Clinic in Lilongwe, thereby, alleviating some of the problems that the clinic experiences.

Thithimila FP School in Kasungu, Malawi.

This is a new project which Woman Arise has undertaken to empower the youth. Woman Arise has elected to assist vulnerable pupils who are at Thithimila Primary School.

The school is located in the rural area of Kasungu District and has several orphans and vulnerable children who struggle to access learning materials. Overall, Malawi has over 1.8 million orphans and vulnerable children (OVC)s (National Plan of Action for Vulnerable Children 2015-2019). The OVCs who are rural-based are the most at-risk group due to their high levels of poverty and their psychosocial instabilities. Therefore, part of the donations from the fundraising will procure learning materials for the OVCs at the Thithimila Primary School. As “Education, in particular, can leverage significant improvements in the lives of orphans and vulnerable children” (UNESCO).

The Target

Our target is to raise £2,000 (approx.) MK2,000,000.00. We therefore urge you to make generous donations, so that we can help the two groups.

Vote of Thanks

Woman Arise organisation would like this thank everybody and organisations who have supported this initiative financially and morally.

May God bless you.


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