Year in, year out, the Think Pink campaign has permanently been in the limelight. Coming from the background of being in Malawi Institute of Journalism(MIJ) against Cancer, I understood why there was so much effort channeled towards the campaign. A large number of women are at risk each year. So, the marches, awareness, and the fundraisers that people previously took part in and are still taking part in, are of utmost significance. It was all theory for me until my mom was diagnosed with the disease. From that moment onwards, was when it truly began to sink in what the campaign really means for victims and survivors. Watching my mom fight the battle struck me with the realization that the disease takes a toll on your physical health as well as mental health.
Coming from this standpoint, I would like to draw your attention to a friend of mine from secondary school that has been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer on her left breast. Her name is Chikondi Kazembe and I cannot begin to imagine her thoughts and feelings, especially in these uncertain times of the pandemic. What I do know for sure, drawing from the experiences of my mom, is that one needs all the help and support they can get. Whether it is emotionally, spiritually or financially from family and friends.
Although Chikondi has undergone both a mastectomy and chemotherapy within the country, we do not have the facilities to offer radio therapy, which is the treatment that is further required. Upon Doctor’s recommendation she needs to travel to India and needs 15,000 USD.
We express gratitude to the Our Lady of Girls alumni that have created a group to raise funds for this cause. We are hoping other well-wishers will lend a hand in aiding our fellow Malawian woman. There are other fundraising activities underway, follow Chikondi Kazembe on Facebook to get more intel.
Think Pink may be celebrated in a day, but it is what happens beyond, that truly matters.
Love and Light to Chikondi Kazembe. We are rooting for you.
